European Fortress Day 2019

EFFORTS-European Fortress Day

In September 2019 EFFORTS is organizing, with its members and aspiring members,  the second EUROPEAN FORTRESS DAY.

Choose your September 2019 date and register with their partner and EFFORTS member SLO (Stichting Liniebreed Ondernemen), sending back the filled-in form: Participation form EFD 2019

Do register again for 2019, even if you have registered in 2018.

More information on what EFFORTS does and what you can do on European Fortress Day:

Do not forget that at the EFFORTS Congress (Antwerp, Belgium – 28 and 29 November), the annual EFFORTS AWARD will be presented to the most innovative EFFORTS member participating in European Fortress Day. Last year Fortress of Culture from Šibenik received the award.

For all 2019 membership administration and EFD questions, contact Rafael Deroo by mail:

European Fortress Day

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