As a part of the program of the Festivity of St. Blaise and the Day of the City of Dubrovnik, organized by the Museums of Dubrovnik and the Society of Friends of Dubrovnik Antiquities, a lecture by art historian Maja Nodari “Festival of St. Blaise: 15 years in of the UNESCO family” was held.

Invitation to Maja Nodari’s lecture “The Festivity of St. Blaise: 15 years in the UNESCO family”
The year 2024 was declared by the City Council of the City of Dubrovnik as the “Year of UNESCO World Heritage” in the City of Dubrovnik, which marks the 45th anniversary of the entry of the Old Town of Dubrovnik on the UNESCO World Heritage List, the 15th anniversary of the entry of the Festivity of St. Blaise on the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage and the recent entry of Archives of the Republic of Dubrovnik (1022-1808) on the UNESCO Memory of the World list.
It was Maja Nodari in 2007, as the then senior expert advisor of the Conservation Department in Dubrovnik, an integral part of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia, who prepared the documentation for the protection of the Festivity of St. Blaise as a cultural asset at the national level. Two years later, as a member of the Expert Council for Intangible Heritage, she made a significant contribution to the inscription of Festivity on the UNESCO List.
She spoke to numerous visitors at the Duke’s Palace about the procedure and protection measures in which she herself participated, the phenomenon of intangible cultural heritage and the Festivity of St. Blaise, the contribution of the Dubrovnik museums to this topic, and about ways of interpreting heritage for current and future generations with the motto: “And while other cities have their patron saint – in Dubrovnik, the Saint has his own City” which was conceived in 2012 when the Dubrovnik museums staged the first ever organized exhibition about St. Blaise.

Numerous visitors closely followed Maja Nodari’s lecture in the Duke’s Palace | photo by DU’M
Read more about lecture (in Croatian)