EYCH 2018
The European Union has declared 2018 as the European Year of Cultural Heritage. The European Heritage Alliance 3.3 as a platform representing the wider field of cultural heritage has been strongly advocating for organizing such a European Year. The Alliance and its members regularly liaise with the EU institutions on the preparations for the Year.
The following 18 Alliance members have been selected by the European Commission to participate in the stakeholder group “Voices of Culture and Heritage” and to assist with the implementation of the European Year at EU level:
- CIVILSCAPE (European Landscape Convention)
- EAA (European Association of Archaeologists)
- E.C.C.O. (European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers’ Organisations)
- ECTN (European Cultural Tourism Network)
- ECTP-CEU (European Council of Spatial Planners)
- E-FAITH (European Federation of Associations of Industrial and Technical Heritage)
- EHHA (European Historic Houses Association)
- EMF (European Museum Forum)
- ENCATC (European Network on Cultural management and Policy Education)
- ERIH (European Route of Industrial Heritage)
- EUROCITIES (The Network of Major European Cities)
- Europa Nostra (The Voice of Cultural Heritage in Europe)
- Europeana
- FRH (Future for Religious Heritage)
- ICOM (International Council of Museums)
- ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites)
- Interpret Europe (European Association for Heritage Interpretation)
- NEMO (The Network of European Museum Organisations)
More information on this specific consultation process (“Voices of Culture and Heritage”) organised by the European Commission is available here. The spring 2017 meeting of the Alliance was scheduled one day ahead of the first stakeholder meeting on 28 April 2017 so as to allow for Alliance members to coordinate their messages ahead of the stakeholder meeting. Future meetings will be held back to back with the EYCH stakeholder meetings in 2017 and 2018.
The whole European Heritage Alliance 3.3 – now counting more than 40 members – is focussing its resources on the European Year. For more information about events and meetings organised by individual members of the Alliance in the run up to and during the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018, please consult the events page.
Background documents on the European Year:
- Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 May 2017 on a European Year of Cultural Heritage (2018)
- European Commission Press Release: Commission welcomes European Parliament’s backing for European Year of Cultural Heritage (27 April 2017)
- European Parliament Press Release: Proper funding for 2018 – European Year of Cultural Heritage (27 April 2017)
- Appeal of the European Heritage Alliance 3.3: Joint letter to the EU Heads of State and Government of 20 December 2016
- Press Release: Commission welcomes European Parliament’s backing for European Year of Cultural Heritage
- Press Release: Proper funding for 2018 – European Year of Cultural Heritage
- Report of the European Parliament as adopted in Committee: Report on the proposal for a decision of the European Parliament and of the Council on a European Year of Cultural Heritage, 17 November 2016
- General approach of the Council to the Commission’s proposal: Proposal for a Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council on a European Year of Cultural Heritage (2018), General approach 11 November 2016
- European Committee of the Regions: Resolution on the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 (adopted at 119th plenary session, 11-12 October 2016)
- Initial proposal from the European Commission: Proposal for a Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council on a European Year of Cultural Heritage, 30 August 2016